Cutting to the Quick

For my weekly blog post update this week, I’ll cut to the quick: We still don’t know entirely what the heck we’re doing. BUT we ARE doing something, so there’s that.

We’re continuing to look at land, boots on the ground (we saw another one yesterday in P-burg (Philipsburg) and we are slated to head out to Victor today). We’re in the process of working with a lender for possibly acquiring a small loan. And we’re continuing to have at least two of what we call our “business meetings” a week - which are designated times Mike and I set aside to sit down and talk about all things related to buying land & selling our house.

Mike has been diligently working on our house, tending to small projects in preparation to put it on the market to sell. He’s been installing new windows, painting, sanding, staining, and slowly working to go through all the many things he’s collected over the years stored in the garage.

I’ve been doing my best to keep up with this blog by crafting weekly update posts and I handle most of the things computer related in regards to our current endeavors such as: corresponding with lenders; filling out paperwork online; managing our website and mailing list; and keeping in touch with our realtor.

So with all of this, as in life, Mike and I are a divide and conquer sort of team. It’s how we work best. He has his skill-sets and preferred leanings and I have mine and, generally speaking, they are quite different (which can be a helpful asset or a hard obstacle depending).

It’s helpful for me to keep firmly in view all the things we are currently and actively doing, however small, as I can often be overwhelmed by what feels like a complete lack of proper know-how as to how to move forward. But we are moving forward - I think it just might kinda be like the rotation of the earth: we don’t feel her moving, but she’s moving just the same.

Boots on the ground in P-Burg, June 4th 2021

Boots on the ground in P-Burg, June 4th 2021


Getting Creative


Here’s the Deal