End of Season Wrap Up

Whelp, the time has come for us to head south for the winter. Overnight temps are dipping into the low 30’s and our first snow here at EM is forecasted for this weekend. As we are not set up to winter over just yet on the land, we have the great fortune of once again being able to return to Deer Park Monastery for a few months. So DP here we come!

It almost two-months exactly - with Mike working at it full-time - we have a lovely dwelling place we’ve been affectionately calling the hermitage. While we have more work to do on it next spring when we return, we’ve got it weather proofed, fully insulated, roofed, and as of just a couple of days ago, the woodstove is in and ready to roll. Two-months to make a 10X12 cabin seems pretty darn stellar, especially considering that Mike fell and milled with a chainsaw all of the lumber we used in the creation of it from trees on site. 

All in all, we had 53 EM visitors since closing on the land July 1st, not counting the folks who visited more than once. So so great!

Things will be a little quiet on the EM front for a few months. We may fashion a blog post here & there and we may look to do an EM fundraising drive over the winter, but we’ll see what transpires. So please know we will be on hiatus from our monthly newsletters, regular blog posts, weekly video uploads, and frequent Facebook posting until we return home in the spring. 

Thank you for following us and for all of your love and support. We hope to see you out at EM in the spring!

With full hearts, 

Nicole & Mike


Returning Home Soon


Animal Medicine