If We Mug It, It Will Come


Maybe putting the cart before the horse isn’t the worst idea (ya know, metaphorically; literally speaking it’s probably not a stellar idea).

For reasons unknown, Mike started playing the monopoly game at Albertson’s grocery store a few weeks ago. In short, it involves getting a certain amount of paper game tokens when you make purchases; opening & scanning the tokens with an app you download onto your phone; and sometimes winning free items or special coupons. One of the things we won was a free mug on the photo website Shutterfly. In jest, and not thinking at all that I might actually do it, Mike said: We should get an Empty Mountain mug! So I did.

I hopped onto the Shutterfly website with my free coupon in hand and within a few clicks, I had uploaded my rather crude EM logo I had drawn up and then typed out the first thing that came to mind:

Empty Mountain

Full Of Heart

(Where mindful misfits roam)


If we mug it, it will come.

A real butchering of the Field of Dreams movie quote, which I read online originated from the Bible, but there you have it.

Maybe if we merch it first, the rest will follow!

I’ve found that it’s rather uplifting and motivating to drink from this new mug of ours. Despite the fact that Empty Mountain is not here now in the here and now, it does exist and is taking shape. The energy is growing and building. The weather patterns are changing. The river of Empty Mountain is flowing.


The Search Continues


I May Not Be Cut Out For This