Wish Us Luck!

Okay friends. See these above pics? Whelp, we’re putting in an offer on this one. Wish us luck! We need all the good vibes we can get.

Land is selling at a good clip these days and I reckon this property will receive a host of offers. Personally I’m hoping for the best but expecting the worst on this one. I imagine we’ll be out-bidded, but I’m really trying to keep the dream alive by holding out some hope for a little bit of luck to flow our way.

I don’t mind telling you that having our future feel as though it hinges on luck is not my idea of a good time. The emotional roller coaster of: looking at land; getting our hopes up; being deflated for one reason or another, has been exhausting.

When I was walking around on this property yesterday, I was the energetic equivalent of a wet blanket. Poor Mike for having to put up with me. There I was, surrounded by this beautiful acreage on a property that checks off a lot of our boxes, and all I could think was: I don’t want to get my hopes up again only to have them crash & burn by a higher bidder. There’s no way we won’t be out-bidded on this one.

My morale is low is what I’m saying. Mike’s is too, but I think his is higher than mine. We’ve seen so very many properties since March. I’m not sure there’s been a week that’s gone by where we haven’t gone out to scout at least one property for sale somewhere in our one-hour search radius of Missoula. Time wise physically it’s been a part-time job. Time wise energetically/emotionally/mentally it’s been a full time job, with unpaid overtime and no time off.

The owners of this particular property shown above are taking offers through the weekend and are slated to make their decision on Monday at 5pm. So it’s game on for playing the ole wait and see routine. All that’s left to do now is hope for a little bit of luck.


Putting A Pin In It


So Little Land So Little Time