A Couple of Strong Maybes

Polson property for sale with views of the Flathead Lake

Polson property for sale with views of the Flathead Lake

Looking at land for sale has been what feels like Mike and I’s full time occupation as of late. If we aren’t out boots on the ground looking at it, we’re talking about it or scrolling online through what’s on the market. We are so active in this process right now that I am even sometimes dreaming about it. And not in a good way. More like in a rolling logistics and details and acreage verses cost sort of way. We’re talking with lenders and staying close in touch with our realtor who, thank so much goodness, just happens to be a long time and good friend of ours.

Mike and I are both recognizing and stating out loud to each other that something will need to give here and soon. Meaning: we either need to take the leap or pull the plug. And based on what we can afford and what’s on the market right now, taking the leap will mean making some large concessions in what we’re looking for. What we’re now strongly considering is that the land we might get into now/soonish will be more like a stepping stone or a starter property, not our forever home. I think it might be a good way to look at it and proceed.

The pic above is a strong contender, though we’d need to have a considerably lower offer accepted for what it’s being sold for. It’s a 10-acre parcel in Polson (listed for $175k). We’re looking to get into land more around the 150k mark, and preferably lower. This piece has no covenants, which is great for us and what we’re looking to do. The access is also good and in terms of resale potential, with it being in view of the Flathead Lake and right outside of Polson, the chances of being able to sell it a little further down the line seem pretty high.

The other possible contender right now is a 4-acre parcel in Superior, Montana (listed for $119k). It’s much smaller than we’d prefer but with how thick the woods are and how few the neighbors, it still feels quite private and relatively spacious. We’re still waiting to hear back about whether there are possible dealbreakers tied into this piece of land (covenants, road easement info), but here’s a short video I took on our walkabout on it:


Here’s the Deal


Here’s A Thing That Had To Happen